Friday, February 27, 2009

Salisbury Cathedral

The number of towers on the three cathedrals is different. The cathedral in Salisbury has one central tower, the one in Amiens has two, but they do not come to a point, and the cathedral at Cologne has three towers. Two of the cathedrals, Cologne and Amines, do not have courtyards connected to them. According to the Gothic website Salisbury is the only one of the three we are looking at that does not have any significant remains that reside there. Cologne is said to hold the remains of the three Magi, and the purpose of Amiens was to house the remains of St. John the Baptist.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


How we measure things is by using scale often the human scale. Buildings often use one smaller part to base the rest of the building using different shapes. Understanding Architecture by Roth states, “The other building type favored by the early Christians had a centralized plan, whether round, octagonal, or square” (280). The whole of the church was based off of the center and was the same on all sides.

Picture by Byung Hwa Yoo

Precedent, also know as an inspiration image, helps to better understand the building or style you are trying to study. It is used as a reference to “broaden your style” when drawing (S. Cabrera). It is also helpful when trying to make something new, if you were to have something to work off of. You might like a small detail and want to repeat the same thing at a larger scale and base your whole project on the intricate detail.

A place in which a certain feeling is conveyed shows that it has a strong presence contain there. If you are in an elaborate church or cathedral you feel the awe in the vaulted ceilings and the way the specific building is laid out, you know what goes on there.

Moments are seconds in time in which something significant happens. Each moment has a purpose whether small or large it is important. It could be anything, where people walk a lot near or in a building, or how to ceiling beams come together. It is something that you see that is different for things or joints that you have seen before.

Usually between light and dark or black and white, duality is two sided; you cannot have one without the other. Duality is two things or colors fighting for attention, like the white and black paper the black would look more over powering even if it was the same amount as the white. The black is darker so our eyes are drawn to it, though if very little is used there would be a sense of balance in the project.

Precedent, presence, and moment fit together by looking at the object or building in different view points. It is more of what you can feel and interpret for a given space rather than what is actually there. Duality is what you can see happening the story or dialogue behind the objects or spaces. Metric is actually finding the measurements and truly seeing what is there.

Pat's Chair

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Building Selection and Justification

Building: Petronas Twin Towers

Architect: Cesar Pelli

Completion date: 1998

Location: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Function: It’s an office building for the Petronas, the national petroleum company in Malaysia.

I chose the Petronas Twin Towers because I have always been interested in the building and have wanted to see it.
  I think it demonstrates commodity, firmness, and delight.  The commodity of the building is that it is a functional office building and headquarters for a large petroleum company. It has been completed for eleven years and is still in good condition showing its firmness and stability.  It is an outstandingly beautiful building especially at night when the light shows and reflects on the glass.

Even thought the title is “twin towers” I see it as one building.  The bridge between the two was such an important part of the design process and allows peoples to easily pass between the two towers.  I feel that the studies and analysis of this building will help me to better understand the theories of design.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Parts: Whole


The temple (Megaron) went through many changes to reach “perfection.” The archetype was the ideal (what was on paper was the ideal, but the reality was much different), Prototypes were the steps to get to the archetype, and hybrids were some of the steps that followed after.  Rome decided to take “the best of Greek architecture” and make it their own.  They would start with a Greek temple and take out the columns that held the roof and replaced it with a solid wall; the columns were now just for decoration.


In Athens they would build a temple, and by word the design would be passed out into the towns and cities that surrounded Athens.  Often, as it is when “passing the word,” details are lost or changed in the design of the building or temple.  The origin of a design is great, but when it changes whether because of materials or a change of times can bring new ways to the same general design, a broader horizon.


In Egyptian culture, hierarchy is important, as is ruling anywhere else.  The most important person has the most decorated and expensive possessions and must be seen.  As stated from History of Interior Design & Furniture “Individual seat forms included the throne, klismos, and stool.” (Blakemore, 41)  The throne would be for the deities (Gods), the klismos would be in the household, and the stool would be used for both deities and in the household.


Order was very important for the Romans.  They used straight, as they could get, lines for the roads and emphasized the front of the building telling you this is where you enter.  The column orders also played major roles to the Greek and Roman architecture.  “The roles of the orders was significant in defining spaces of the great interior.” (Blakemore, 28)  The Acropolis also shows order, the Parthenon is most important able to be seen from the whole city.


People and their surroundings create an entourage.  We were asked to draw vignettes of people, which then progressed to people in a place.  Making you sketch quickly to get their movements as well as how they interact within the space.  With the thumbnails for the buildings that we were assigned to we need to go to the building to take in the surroundings, to get a feel for what takes place, rather than take a picture.

By using source, hierarchy, and order a building is well made for entourages’ of people, to gather in or be a private home.  Like the Greeks and Romans everyone seeks perfection in what they do and thought we may do it unconsciously we try to see the imperfections in everything whether it is a building or a project board we still try to reach the ideal.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Found in Translation: Moore

My group had the Moore Humanities Building.  We split up into three groups to cover all of the floors, and I was one of the people that had the second floor.  These were some of the "moments" that I saw.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Scale: By showing something in a scale it helps to be able to see in like it really is.  If someone had a drawing of a chair it would look great, but it might be a children’s chair and would be impractical.  Scale can also help measure out the rest of a building, by using one unit to make the rest.

Unity: People working together to make something work or to build something.  The Dorian, Ionian, and Aeloian brought Greece together.  The temple of Amon at Karnak is symmetric presenting a sense of coming together and a path to walk down.  The Pathways, Edges, and Boundaries project has five different groups but they still had to work together by using the commonality of circles and squares.

Section: A section of a house or object shows it being “cut” so you see the inside and what is in the walls.  Sections can also be parts of something like on the Acropolis in Athens.  The whole hill has a porch, court, and hearth, as do the main four buildings.

Boundaries: Boundaries like walls divide something into smaller parts.  They are often physical blocks but can also be something that simply stops people from getting through.  Boundaries can also be limits to what you can do like parameters on a project.  How much material you need or can afford and how much space you have.

Vignettes: A vignette is a smaller more focused part of a whole.  It has objects or people that tell a small part of a story.  It may be a certain part or item in that story that was significant or stood out.  Paintings or sculptures from ancient buildings also tell a story usually of the gods.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Scale Figures

World Trade Center
Veronica Lawlor
For this drawing the lack of color fits the mood the artist might have been trying to portray. In a sense, the shading at the center and fading into the foreground, makes this a nice vignette.

Allen Pirabu
I think thisis a good example of watercolor and colored pencil making them form the composition quite well.

Celebrity Creatures
Leesa Leva
For this picture I liked the splash of colors that the artist used not filling in everything that is there.

ASAI Architecture in Perspective
Eric Brightfield
The watercolor in this picture is wonderful, making the painting look real. The light line weight adds to this fact.

Moscow at Night

Zhenia Vasiliev
I liked these because they are kind of like my own figure sketches.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Illuminate: Different things can be illuminated in different ways. The pyramids of Giza were once polished and held golden points as beacons across the flat plain desert. To be seen was their main purpose to tell all that the Pharaoh was extremely important. Watercolor or lack of color shows where the light is coming from on the objects that you paint. The white that is left actually shows the object better than coloring in to the lines. In the Greek myth Prometheus and Zeus, Prometheus brought fire to the humans which helped them with warmth and light to see by. “He was the only god to stand up against Zeus, by his own accord, only wanting to help the humans” stated Dr. Murphy a Mythology teacher.

Idiom: Parts of one language corresponding to another, but the meaning is not the same. Though an ocean apart the Ohio Valley burial ground and the Great Wall of China have similar aspects. They both curve with the land, but also make the land showing that humans have been there.

Material: Materials are important in anything in the world. Like how you build things or what you can afford, like in our project of Pat’s Chair. The only thing to work with is a four by eight-foot piece of MDF board, to make something that was able to be used and last. The buildings in Egypt were also relate to this factor, there is very little wood in Egypt so the buildings, temples, and tombs were built from what they had, a stronger sandstone than we have here in the United States. Watercolor, depending on how much water you use helps to show the differences in the materials that you shade in or the texture of the object.

Commodity, Firmness, and Delight: Buildings that we consider ruins were once and some still are a wonder. The pyramids of Giza still stand today thought not as they were, were made to last forever, the entire afterlife of the pharaoh. They were built to keep the soul of the pharaoh safe and to keep people from wondering in and disturbing them. The delight in them is that they stick out from the plain sand that surrounds them and people know what they are when they look at them. Another structure is Stonehenge. Though not knowing exactly what it was used for, it was a place where people once were and how hey lived. Even weather has not completely destroyed the stone circles, thought worn down they still stand. It is a mystery to how the people of the time move such huge stones, as they did not have pulleys only manual labor, which make people want to see it.

All of these working together make an environment for humans to use. The way we use a space is some part of how it is presented and what is there to use in the space. Many things come into play like what material goes the rest of the room and how it appeals to us, and others that come into the space.