Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Grammar: SYNTAX

Grammar: SYNTAX

Audience: In building a space you have to appeal to your audience.  Depending on whom you are presenting to changes in how you convey it.  If you are building a space for children then you would make every thing according to their size, and most likely use many bright colors.

[Re]vision: Revising is to take an object and make it better.  The Romans are a good example of revision, they took what the Greeks had made and used it to make their own style as well as make it better.  Then again when the British Empire started to invade, they did a redo on the Greek style though the Romans.

Character: In architecture the buildings have a language as well as character.  In France the architects created living spaces that resemble a palace with one façade but many interiors that looked the same.  In America the same idea came about, the exteriors were the same, but the interiors were different.

Transition: In presentation boards, the information and pictures need to be read and followed with ease without you being there to explain it to them.  The transition between topics is a major part in how you put together your presentation and how well the information is taken in.

Datum: In any arrangement of pictures or paper that is hanging on the wall, you create a datum line.  It’s the negative space between the objects in question that frame the picture.  The negative space around or between objects, we look for without even thinking about it.  If the space slants or is uneven then the people looking at it will be more likely to notice it.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

P Week

Periphery: What you see around you can have affect on what you are doing.  By taking nature and using its forms to create or tell a story is a process that designers have to use in their line of work.  Using the details and making them use their surrounding to create a feeling.

Portfolio: A Portfolio can be a device that holds everything that you have drawn usually on 2D pieces of paper or a flat canvas.  It documents your progress through out your project or in our case a semester.  Keeping up with all that you have done is important because you can look back to reference with another project or an earlier version of the one now.

Process: The design and writing processes use a series of steps to get to a final or finished product.  This begins with an idea, or inspiration that can be created or taken from something else that exists.  You then evolve the idea by putting it down on paper with stories or make sketch models with a design idea.  After the initial idea, you begin to simplify by developing prototypes and pull together the ideas that work for your final product. 

Perspective: Just like everything in life, we all have different perspectives.  The way you look at topics and opinions changes on what you believe to be correct.  Perspectives are views like how we see things.  The most common are one-point and two-point perspectives.  One-point perspective you are looking at the flat side of an object or building, two-point is from the side or corner.

Professional: Making your project look professional is a complicated task.  The craft of what you present says how much time you spent on it and how much you cared for the details.  Professionalism is also in how you present yourself.  You would not go to a presentation dressed in a T-shirt and jeans, you would dress according to whom you are presenting to and what it is you are presenting.

I feel that this weeks words were about presentations.  Your portfolio holds your process of your work. Periphery and perspective are how you can interoperate objects and people around you.  By being professional you show how serious you are about what you are doing for the project or in life.

Thursday, March 5, 2009


Making It Better...

This drawing is like that of Byung Hwa Yoo's sketch.

This sketch is formed after a work from Ea Ejersbo.

This drawing is based off of a drawing by Gabi Campanrio.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Macro: Micro

Composition is essential especially in presentations. If you slap something together and make, as S. Cabrera stated, “odd angles on the page or presentation board that will distract from the drawings.” By doing this it makes you look at the negative space instead of what it is that you are presenting, it becomes a distraction.

The porch-court-hearth system was very important to the Romans, because they liked order. First you have the porch in which you enter the space. The court is a gathering space at first outside in a courtyard then later inside. The most important part of the building or complex, the hearth is where a select few are allowed to enter. If in a home it would be the actual living space of the occupants, but on a grander scale it would be for the elites and the priest, those with power.

Diagrams make “something that come second nature to the majors easier to read” said S. Burrows. Some drawing or documents have symbols that others do not know what it means and need a key to help them figure out the meaning. Most diagrams are pictures that are often color coded to help people better understand what is happening with the picture.

When I think of impression I think the artistic style of Impressionism. The Artist can get the feeling or objective across with only a couple of brush strokes. Also with the gothic cathedrals the height and scale of the buildings leaves everlasting impressions on those who gaze upon them. If something impresses you then you will remember it for a long time and it will stick with you. It could be because of the size or style that is different from things you have seen before.

Though viewing something from a distance is important, seeing the smallest details makes it more personal. Details make the object or place look important and inviting, a place that you would like to visit again just to see the small things. Sometimes if you see something from a distance and it looks smooth looking closer you can see the textures and the small details that are put into something.

All of these words can be used on different scales to make them have different meanings. The cathedrals have great and magnificent exteriors that let light in, but when you see the details carved into to stone they tell stories of the “end” of the world and of hell. Size matters in building especially with the leaders of the ancient world, the larger the better, but if you go too tall or too larger you may find the walls crumbling around you.