Wednesday, March 18, 2009

P Week

Periphery: What you see around you can have affect on what you are doing.  By taking nature and using its forms to create or tell a story is a process that designers have to use in their line of work.  Using the details and making them use their surrounding to create a feeling.

Portfolio: A Portfolio can be a device that holds everything that you have drawn usually on 2D pieces of paper or a flat canvas.  It documents your progress through out your project or in our case a semester.  Keeping up with all that you have done is important because you can look back to reference with another project or an earlier version of the one now.

Process: The design and writing processes use a series of steps to get to a final or finished product.  This begins with an idea, or inspiration that can be created or taken from something else that exists.  You then evolve the idea by putting it down on paper with stories or make sketch models with a design idea.  After the initial idea, you begin to simplify by developing prototypes and pull together the ideas that work for your final product. 

Perspective: Just like everything in life, we all have different perspectives.  The way you look at topics and opinions changes on what you believe to be correct.  Perspectives are views like how we see things.  The most common are one-point and two-point perspectives.  One-point perspective you are looking at the flat side of an object or building, two-point is from the side or corner.

Professional: Making your project look professional is a complicated task.  The craft of what you present says how much time you spent on it and how much you cared for the details.  Professionalism is also in how you present yourself.  You would not go to a presentation dressed in a T-shirt and jeans, you would dress according to whom you are presenting to and what it is you are presenting.

I feel that this weeks words were about presentations.  Your portfolio holds your process of your work. Periphery and perspective are how you can interoperate objects and people around you.  By being professional you show how serious you are about what you are doing for the project or in life.

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