Grammar: SYNTAX
Audience: In building a space you have to appeal to your audience. Depending on whom you are presenting to changes in how you convey it. If you are building a space for children then you would make every thing according to their size, and most likely use many bright colors.
[Re]vision: Revising is to take an object and make it better. The Romans are a good example of revision, they took what the Greeks had made and used it to make their own style as well as make it better. Then again when the British Empire started to invade, they did a redo on the Greek style though the Romans.
Character: In architecture the buildings have a language as well as character. In France the architects created living spaces that resemble a palace with one façade but many interiors that looked the same. In America the same idea came about, the exteriors were the same, but the interiors were different.
Transition: In presentation boards, the information and pictures need to be read and followed with ease without you being there to explain it to them. The transition between topics is a major part in how you put together your presentation and how well the information is taken in.
Datum: In any arrangement of pictures or paper that is hanging on the wall, you create a datum line. It’s the negative space between the objects in question that frame the picture. The negative space around or between objects, we look for without even thinking about it. If the space slants or is uneven then the people looking at it will be more likely to notice it.