Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Illuminate: Illumination can be an idea or knowledge was illuminated to you or in the literal sense where it deals with light.  Our most recent project was to build something out of MDF board that played with light and shadow.  Some of the students used the negative space to have the light shine through others, as S. Burrowes said, “tried to contain the light source within” their projects.

Rotation: Like the rotation of the moon around the earth, ideas rotate around and through societies.  People often bounce ideas off of each other or find a quality of an object or drawing that they like and change it by scale or proportions.  By seeing the styles in an area architects can take it to their city and reproduce it.

Movement: In the 18th and 19th Centuries trade became huge.  People were traveling to America, China, and other exotic places coming in contact with the culture there.  By seeing other parts of the world you see their cultures and different styles that they take from the varying temperatures.

Reflection: A reflection can be looking back on earlier projects or an actual reflection like reflections off a lake or symmetry.  By reflecting back on previous works you can get new ideas or can improve the old ones in a way that you did not see or consider before. 

Source: As the Romans looked to the Greeks as a source, the Americans, at first looked to the British.  Through seeing a style different cultures made it their own style, but still held ties to what the object or style originally came from.  Later the Americans wanted to “get away” from the British in all forms, as in clothing and architecture.  At first the houses in America were almost exact replicas of what was made in England, because that is what they knew about the world.

Revisiting some of the words from before is interesting in that we now have even more knowledge and maybe a different perspective on the words for the week.  We also have something else to say or a different way of conveying what we want said that can be taking to a higher level.  

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